BK107 5 LED Multi Chaser Kit
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5 LED Chaser Module

Kit makes 5 LEDs that chase at and adjustable speed

Five LEDs chase in multiple programs. Straight chasing LEDs 1 though 5, Bi Directional Chasing LEDs 1 to 5 then LEDs 5 to 1 and repeat. Center out chasing and outside to inside chasing.  Speed and programs are selectable by the user with a simple button pushes.

Kit requires assembly, but can be purchased assembled and tested as an option.

Basic Component Assembly Video for BK-100 thru BK-115 kits


Final assembly video for BK-107 coming soon!

An enclosure is available, see item BE-100

Five LED outputs.
- Micro-proccessor controlled circuit with preprogrammed sequences.
- Voltage regulator & Diode Bridge on circuit board to enable voltages from 6 to 16 VDC to be used

- Adjustable cycle time from a very slow chase to almost a blurr
- Controls Five 3mm Red LEDs
- Can be used to chase larger bulbs or multiple LEDs with optional FK090 output driver (requires assembly by soldering)
Power supply Required:
- 6 to 16 volts AC or DC required operate the circuit. The DC accessory output on most power packs will work. A 9 volt battery will all work and last for up to 16 hours of continuous use. 
-Five 3mm Red LEDs. Circuit will work with 3mm or 5mm LEDs of any color.

Included in Kit
The BK-107 Kit comes with the circuit board, all components, 5 Red  3mm Standard LEDs, Hook up wire and complete instructions.
Options available:
- Power output board to control 5 to 14 volt bulbs or a multiple LEDs.
- Assembled & Tested
- Power Supply for 120-220 volt AC operation.
- Additional LEDs in 3mm & 5mm and different colors
- Output Connector & wire


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