BK-104 Simulated CampfireKit
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Campfire Kit with simulated pulsing and flickering.

Video Link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4qbfa6o1Rc

Comment at the Big E train Show in Springfield, MA:

"A very realistic campfire, much better than others I have seen"

Micro-Processor controlled special effects circuit to simulate a pulsing & flashing campfire. The microprocessor increases, deceases and pulses the brightness of a 3mm Amber LED in a fashion that simulates a small fire, such as a campfire or fireplace. Also looks great inside a building to simulate a building on fire. The microprocessor generates a random series of pulses so it looks like a real fire or flame. See the short video below of a campfire scene on a layout. The video will give you an idea of how it works, but it looks much better in person.

Mount the 3 mm LED in a scene with just the tip of the LED sticking up. Then place scale size stones or rock around it in a rough circle. A little black balast around the inside of the circle to look like charred wood or coal. I then use some short fibers from a paint brush stacked teepee style over the LED to simulate the wood that will appear to be burnng. No right or wrong way to do it, just whatever looks good.  5mm LEDs can also be used and are availble as options.

Kit requires assembly, but can be purchased assembled and tested as an option.

An enclosure is available for standard kit, see item BE-100 (not suitable fr use with optional driver circuit)

Basic Component Assembly Video for BK-100 thru BK-115 kits


Final assembly video for BK-104 coming soon!


Small Compact Circuit
MicroComputer IC controlled with Campfire program Installed.
IC can be reprogrammed or changed to run additional programs
High Quality Circuit Board
Voltage Regulator include in circuit
IC Socket to easily change MicroComputer Chip
12" Leads for LEDs and Power Input
Reverse Polarity Protected Circuit
Circuit is expandable as new options become available
Custom Programs can be added
Amber 3mm Super Bright LED included


Assembly by Bakatronics
Plastic Enclosures
Custom  Flashing Sequences
Other Color LEDs
5mm LEDs
9 Volt Battery Clip
On Off Switch

The completed circuit board is 3/4" wide, 2" long and about 1/2" high.

The kit comes complete with Circuit Board, Components, Bright  3mm LED, a Pre-Programmed MicroController IC, 12" LED and Power leads and Assembly Instructions. This kit requires soldering to assemble the kit. A 15-30 watt soldering iron is recommended.

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