Halloween Sensors
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MXA088 Infrared Sensor Digital Counter, 6 Digit
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This circuit detects infrared radiation from human or animal bodies with PIR (pyroelectric infrared sensor) and a fresnel lens (circular and flat). Ideal for applying with voice recording, alarms, and advertising media system.
$19.99  $18.99
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Kit makes Promimity Sensor with relay and NC & NO contacts. 2" to 12" detection range by reflective detection.
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FK511 Two Function Infrared Sensor Kit
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Kit makes a 2 channel Infrared transmitter and receiver with relays. 50 foot range
$25.99  $23.99
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Kit makes an Infrared transmitter and receiver with relay. 50 foot range
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PIR Sensor Circuit. Fully Assembled & Tested 2 in stock
$27.99  $19.99
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Night (dark) activated relay switch with timer. Fully Assembled & Tested 15 in stock
$19.99  $10.99
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Kit makes an Infrared transmitter and receiver with relay. 25 foot range
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Kit makes an a touch sensitive alarm circuit. Loop a wire from the circuit onto a door kob or other metal object. When it is touched, it will set off the on circuit board alarm sound. Requires 9 volt DC
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